Armistice Centenary Project Exhibition

9 November 2018

On Wednesday 7 November 2018, a number of Balcatta Senior High School (BSHS) staff and students participated in the Centenary Armistice Project Exhibition at the RSL, Osborne Park Sub-Branch.

The school was successful in securing funding from the Federal Government for this event, which resulted in the exhibition of students’ work at the RSL hall.

There were a number of dignitaries present including: Hon Michael Keenan MP, David Michael MLA , Mark Irwin Mayor City of Stirling, RSL members, School Board members and members of the general public.

The students had the opportunity to showcase their art work as well as discuss with some of the dignitaries about their projects/art work.

Year 9 Documentaries and Year 10 Documentary Covers and Propaganda Posters

This exhibit was created by Year 9 Humanities and Social Science students.  As part of a Project-Based Learning task, students had to investigate key concepts of World War I to create a documentary.

For more detailed information, click on the title heading.

Year 9 World War I Letters and Portrait Recreations

This exhibit was created by Year 9 students during their English, Humanities and Social Sciences and Photography classes.

For more detailed information, click on the title heading.

Armistice Centenary Portraits

This exhibit was created by Year 9 Gifted and Talented Visual Art students who were asked to choose a service veteran or identity from World War I that they related to, either with a similar background or from a town in common with their ancestors from this period.

For more detailed information, click on the title heading.

Follow the link to view a slideshow of the Armistice Centenary Project Exhibition:

The exhibition can be viewed at the Osborne Park Library, 9 Royal Street, Osborne Park during library hours for the next two weeks.

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