
13 November 2019
40th Anniversary Celebration
The 40th Anniversary Celebration of our Gifted and Talented Visual Art Program was a success!!
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7 November 2019
Upcoming ECU Events
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5 November 2019
Shaun Tan
Shaun Tan is a distinguished alumnus and Ambassador of Balcatta Senior High School from which he graduated in 1991. He was a student of Balcatta’s Gifted and Talented Visual Arts Program and, after school, undertook to teach himself the art of book illustration.
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30 October 2019
Student Mobile Phones in Public Schools
This week, the State Government announced a new Student Mobile Phones in Public Schools policy to take effect from the start of Term 1, 2020.
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30 October 2019
Gifted and Talented Visual Art Exhibition
On Tuesday 29 October Balcatta SHS held its annual Gifted and Talented Visual Art Exhibition.
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29 October 2019
The Lester Prize
Two of our Gifted and Talented Visual Art students, Melina Hosseinzadeh of Year 10 and Torren Whisson of Year 12 are finalists in The Lester Prize for Portraiture Youth Award.
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