Red Frogs Presentation

4 September 2019

On Tuesday 3 September our Year 12 students were presented with information about the Red Frogs Leavers’ support program. Red Frogs educate young people on safe partying behaviour and promote alcohol-free and/or diversionary activities that engage young people in certain environments.

Red Frogs is a youth support network with 1000’s of volunteers who support young people from the ages of 13 to 30. They make a presence at all major school leavers’ functions, music concerts and sporting events across Australia.

Our students were informed about drug and alcohol free events in the iconic Leavers Zone Dunsborough and Meelup Beach in the South West. Red Frog volunteers not only support school leavers, they also cook pancake breakfasts and host BBQ’s, clean rooms, hang out with Leavers and help in situations that require mediation and referral.

If you require further information about Red Frogs support program follow the link:

Something for parents of Leavers!

The annual parents information event – ‘Talking Leavers’ hosted by SDERA and WA Police has been confirmed for 2019.

Sunday Oct 13th, 9:45am – 12noon.
John McGrath Pavillion, 97 Hensman St, South Perth*.
Morning Tea Provided,
Cost: FREE!

Registration is essential. Go to:

*Can’t make it? I did hear a whisper that this session was going to be webcast. Sorry – no free morning tea for you though.
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