Congratulations to our Gifted and Talented Visual Art Students
Our Gifted and Talented Visual Art students have been busy this year with entries into various Art Competitions and Exhibitions as per below.
META 2019 Exhibition
Congratulations to Harriet Williams whose photography work was selected for META 2019 Exhibition at Gallery Central.
The META art and design exhibition was presented by North Metropolitan TAFE (NMT). The exhibition showcased innovative and exciting creative works completed by Year 11 and Year 12 students enrolled in Visual Art/Design or Media courses.
META complements North Metro TAFE’s prestigious art, design and photography programs and acknowledges the excellence and originality of budding artists/designers/photographers in senior secondary schools across WA.
For more information, refer to website link:
Photo Work by Harriet Williams
2019 Outside the Frame Art Awards
Six of our Years 11 and 12 students were selected to showcase their work in 2019 Outside the Frame Art Awards.
Outside the Frame Art Awards showcases some of the best contemporary artwork by young artists across Perth. Established as a platform to help develop these young artists, the exhibition explores hot topics of the younger generation.
The exhibition is open to students in Years 11 and 12 across the Perth metropolitan region with students being able to enter work in six categories: painting, drawing, prints, sculpture, textiles, digital media/photography and mixed media.
The exhibition will feature around 100 thought provoking works, sharing current trends and ideas directly from the minds of our youth. This event will be held on 10 – 18 August, from 11 am to 4 pm at the Armadale District Hall.
Congratulations to the following students:
Year 11
Gabriel Martinez
Meg Bradsell
Grace Kang Year 12
Philip de Jong
Torren Whisson
Harriet Williams
For more information, refer to website link:
The Young Originals Exhibition
Four of our students have had artwork selected for ‘The Young Originals Exhibition’ which was held on 11 to 23 August at Gallery 25, ECU Mt Lawley.
The exhibition was funded by the Western Australian Secondary Schools’ Executive Association (WASSEA) and Sangora Education Foundation, in partnership with Edith Cowan University, School of Art and Humanities and the Department of Education.
After a highly competitive entry round and comprehensive judging process, we are delighted to confirm that the following artworks from our school have been selected for exhibition:
• ‘Homage To Morandi’ by Jonny Smith
• ‘Island Daisy Blue’ by Riscia Vinta
• ‘Gazing’ by Melina Hosseinzadeh
• ‘Boys Can’t Be Abused’ by Meg Bradsell
For more information, refer to website link: