Education Support Program

At Balcatta Senior High School, we have a long and rich history of providing students with an inclusive and enriching education experience, embracing diversity and valuing difference. Our school is situated 11km North West of the CBD and is the school of choice for students seeking access to our highly sought after Gifted and Talented programs within a thriving culture of inclusivity. Our teachers and support staff know their students and are committed to creating positive and engaging learning experiences, supporting students to achieve to their full potential.

The BSHS Education Support Program (ESP) is designed to provide a comprehensive education experience for students with special education needs. Students have access to learning programs with their same aged peers and are provided with scaffolded curriculum support, small group intervention, individual therapy and access to life skills programs tailored to support students beyond their formal school years. Students enrolled in the Education Support Program have access to evidence-based literacy and numeracy intervention, self-regulation and personal care programs and specialist learning area classes. Programs are tailored to meet the needs of the individual and are designed to scaffold learning, promote independence, build confidence, and secure pathways to a fulfilling future. High staff to student ratios in targeted teaching programs ensure students receive the additional academic, emotional, and social support required to achieve to their full potential. A positive behaviour support approach across the school creates consistent learning environments with clear expectations in which every student can learn, grow, and succeed. Our recently refurbished state-of-the-art facilities and purpose-built learning areas are designed to cater for the needs of all learners.

Our ESP students are encouraged to develop skills relevant to their individual needs and to take pride in their achievements. All students are supported to embrace opportunities to fulfil their educational and personal goals to achieve their highest potential and be well-prepared to live and work in a rapidly changing and diverse society. We have high expectations of our students and work in partnership with parents and other stakeholders to provide authentic and relevant curriculum. Curriculums include, but are not limited to, English, Mathematics, Health and Physical Education, Social and Emotional Learning, Protective Behaviours Education, Career Education and Functional Life Skills. We also facilitate the delivery of a Certificate II in Retail through ACTIV Pathways to our senior students.

Each student has an Individualised Education Plan (IEP) outlining their priority objectives while at school, at home and in the community. This plan also forms the basis for reporting to parents on student progress. Staff use data collection plans to address student needs across learning areas and monitor progress.

All students receive a written report each semester based on the achievement displayed in their IEP or ITP plus work samples and portfolios, to assist parents to keep informed of student progress. The ESP monitors student progress through a variety of assessments such as ABLEWA, SA Spelling Test, IXL Literacy and Numeracy Assessments, and Elastik Assessments to achieve longitudinal data. This data informs school planning.

We actively promote the acceptance and tolerance of individual differences in self and others and encourage open and positive communication with all. ESP staff are encouraged to attend relevant, ongoing professional development sessions and to take an active part in decision making within the ESP.

We currently have 71 students with an Individual Disability Allocation at BSHS who receive specialist support from the ESP team.

Allison Nolan
Program Coordinator, ESP


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